Contact Us
Contact Customer Service
The answers to many common questions can be found at our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Didn't find what you need? Ask Customer Service by filling out the form below.
Do you have a question or comment about an online order you have placed?
Email: (Please include your order # if applicable)
Phone: 570-519-8901
Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET
Saturday – Sunday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET
No solicitors please.
You may also call us at 1-800-351-8175, Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm Mountain Time
What we will and won't do with your information
If you provide your personal information to us, it will enable us to customize the website and better fulfill your needs. As a respected consumer or potential consumer of the Celestial Seasonings brand, the personal information you provide will be kept PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL. Our promise to you is:
We will NOT sell, lease or reveal your profile to anyone else.
We will NEVER sell or rent your email address to other companies.
We will NEVER send you unsolicited email or personal mail.
For complete information on how Celestial Seasonings handles any of your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy page.